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Sunday, 28 April 2019

UIPath-Robotic Process Automation RPA Training Academy » SAVE 86% OFF!

  • Basic knowledge of Computing like MSWord MSExcel Adobe PDF
  • UIPath Community Edition
  • A Windows Computer with Internet Connection
UIPath-Robotic Process Automation RPA Training Academy
Next Most happening thing in IT Industry will be RPA (Robotic Process Automation)... Yes Robots or bots will change the industry massively .It will create a BOT Evolution , where most of the repititve/daily jobs will be performed by set of trained bots.
Now a days , in car industry robotic arm has been introduced for faster and error free production ,, whoch replaces Human arm in many cases. Similarly RPA will be introduced in Software Industry to do tedious day to day work.

That is what is "Robotic Process Automation". UIPATH is a software which enables you to create process and flows required for automation. To learn more about UIPATH just enroll and get access for lifetime.

RPA tools have strong technical similarities to graphical user interface testing tools. These tools also automate interactions with the GUI, and often do so by repeating a set of demonstration actions performed by a user. RPA tools differ from such systems including features that allow data to be handled in and between multiple applications, for instance, receiving email containing an invoice, extracting the data, and then typing that into a bookkeeping system.

Following things you will able to  learn after successful completion of the course :
  • RPA Introduction.
  • Market Leading RPA Tools.
  • Downloading UIPath Community Edition.
  • Installation of UIPath.
  • Overview of UIPath Tool.
  • Structure (Flowchart,Sequence,State Machines ).
  • Control Flow (Decisions, Loops, Switches).
  • Error Handling and Debugging.
  • Excel/csv Automation with UIPath.
  • PDF Automation with UIPath.
  • Automating Email Activities with UIPath.
  • Real Time Case Studies
  • Uipath Practice Set (Helpful for Global Certification Exam.)

Target audience :-
Anyone , who wants to learn new technologies or start their career as
Automation engineers , Business Leaders , Digital Ninjas

  1. This course provides you a great knowledge of frequently used Activities in UIPath.
  2. Not only standalone activities. This course helps you to learn real time case studies.
  3. Most importantly , if my course does not met your expectations , you are free to ask Refund.

      *****************DO NOT BE LATE ,TECHNOLOGY CHANGES EVERYDAY***********************

Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn RPA.
  • Automation Developers
  • Digital Ninjas
  • Automation Testers