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Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Why Consider Self-publishing Your Book Exclusively on Amazon » SAVE 70% OFF!

  • This course requires you to have access to Microsoft Word to format your manuscript for publication
  • This course requires that you have a written manuscript you'd like to publish
Have you written a fantastic manuscript but now you're unsure what to do with it?
Please allow me to make a suggestion...
This is a course that advocates self-publishing over traditional publishing.  At the same time it takes a potentially controversial stand by suggesting that you should be publishing exclusively with Amazon companies.
This class also serves as an introduction and guide to publishing on Amazon KDP.
But before getting all tangled up with a whole course, the first four lectures in this course cover short but important topics that need to be nailed down before we can proceed:
  • Why You Should Self-publish Your Book
  • Why You Should Self-publish on Amazon
  • Why You Should Enter the Kindle Select Program
  • Why You Should Publish a CreateSpace POD Paperback
  • Why You Should Watch the Rest of the Amazon Self-publishing Series
The next section in the course is where the rubber hits the road...
In the second section you'll learn how to format your manuscript using Microsoft Word for publication on Amazon Kindle.  This is the first of a pair of sections to dealing with publishing on Amazon Kindle, the second being how to actually publish your book through the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) web based interface.
I'd recommend that you pause the course after each lesson in order to perform the task just described using your own manuscript.  By the time you finish the class you'll have a formatted manuscript.
In the third section you become a published author...
In the fourth and final section, you'll learn how to price your book at the sweet spot to be sold and to name your book using keywords so that it can be found.  These two steps are probably the most crucial in marketing your Kindle book.
The two topics addressed in the final section are:
  • Price Your Book to Sell
  • Name Your Book to Be Found
Be sure to watch the entire course if you're interested in self-publishing.
I'll see you in the classroom,
Who is the target audience?
  • This course is appropriate viewing for any author undecided about whether to self-publish or traditionally publish their work
  • This course is appropriate viewing for any author looking to self-publish their manuscript on Kindle eBook using KDP