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Sunday, 23 September 2018

Darknet Website Using TOR Hidden Services Masterclass » SAVE 89% OFF!

  • All you will need is a minimum experience of connecting to your server via the SSH or working directly with your server’s command console and typing the commands into the Linux command line.
  • If you are not familiar with TOR at all, you may want to visit the TorProject.org website beforehand and get a minimum experience with TOR
This course is a simple to follow step-by-step guide to setting up and configuring your own hidden TOR web server.
In this course you will learn:
  • How to configure a hidden web server using TOR hidden services
  • How to tune Nginx for maximum anonymity
  • How to serve HTML content to visitors with (almost) no webserver installed to enable maximum anonymous service
  • Important security tips anyone running a hidden services server should know
Content and Overview
This course is a quick and informative how-to that will help you install TOR to a virtual private server and configure Nginx to run your  first hidden .onion website.  I will show you how simple it is to set up a hidden website by yourself by means of a couple of hours. You can’t underestimate the value of having such skills in today's world of total Internet surveillance. We will go through the process of setting up the VPS, installing the Nginx web server software and fine inning it to prevent it from giving away your sensitive server data.
This course is for anyone who wishes to set up their first own hidden TOR web server. You will need a minimum experience of connecting to your server via the SSH or working directly with your server’s command console and typing the commands into the Linux command line. All the rest will be discussed in the course, including the installation process, all the configuration  and more. Just enroll and in several hours you will be able to start your own darknet website!
Inside the course, you will also find regularly updated additional materials and links to external resources (including useful hidden websites on the topic).
Also, you will find some valuable bonuses inside the course bonus lecture, including a discount on my initial course "Debian Linux Server Setup Essentials for Webhosting and More".
100% Satisfaction Guarantee. No Questions Asked!
I hope you will be absolutely satisfied once you got through my course. I do my best to make sure this course meets your need and expectations. But if you're not satisfied with this course for ANY valid reason, contact me within 30 days from your purchase and I will refund in full. No questions asked. You have absolutely nothing to lose.
Who is the target audience?
  • This course is for anyone who wishes to set up their first own hidden TOR web server
  • If you are interested in practical aplications of TOR or Darknet techniques -- this course is for you
  • This course is not for skilled information security specialists or experiences white hat hackers, as it covers the basics